1. Advice and Information -

    Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the NHS is encouraging people, especially those at the highest risk of COVID-19, to talk about their preferences for end of life care.

  2. Advice and Information -

    Grief is something people experience when someone close to use dies. People react in different ways when someone dies, and there is no right or wrong way to feel.

  3. Advice and Information -

    In line with government guidelines, the vast majority of the public in Hertfordshire are protecting themselves and others from coronavirus by staying at home.

  4. Advice and Information -

    Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, there have been local changes to the NHS provision of non-essential outpatient appointments.
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    The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is affecting all our daily lives. Social distancing and self-isolation in particular can be difficult to cope with, and can have a significant impact on our mental health
  6. Advice and Information -

    The Integrated Musculoskeletal (MSK) services in Herts Valleys have now moved all appointments to either virtual or telephone appointments.

  7. News -

    How you can contribute to the health service’s efforts in this difficult time - East of England Ambulance Service are looking to recruit temporary workers.
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    Healthwatch Hertfordshire’s Chief Executive Geoff Brown has an important message for us all.
  9. Advice and Information -

    In light of recent Public Health and Healthwatch England advice we have been reviewing our activity in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
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    In response to the current crisis surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19), please see below some key information that we hope will be useful to the public within Hertfordshire and beyond.
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    The Coronavirus outbreak is placing huge press on our local hospitals. So that they can look after patients with acute needs, hospitals are changing the way patients are discharged
  12. Advice and Information -

    The Coronavirus outbreak is placing huge pressure on our local hospitals. So that they can look after patients with acute needs, hospitals are changing the way patients are discharged.
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    This live webchat service, which launched in August, has helped over 1,100 people in the first two months, including service users, carers and health and care professionals.
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    ‘Lockdown’ has been named the 2020 Collins Dictionary word of the year. Others that made the top 10 list included furlough, key worker, self-isolate, social distancing and Coronavirus
  15. Advice and Information -

    To keep urgent NHS services safe and to make sure that they are available for everyone who needs them, an appointment system for urgent and emergency care is being introduced across the country from 1 December.
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    From today onwards (Monday 11 January), the New QEII Hospital Urgent Care Centre for minor illnesses and injuries in Welwyn Garden City will close its doors to new patients at 10pm every day. It will reopen at 8am every morning.
  17. Advice and Information -

    Thanks to the new ‘Travel with Confidence’ scheme, people can feel more confident taking a taxi or minicab in Hertfordshire during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  18. Report -

    We spoke to people who are digitally excluded to find out their reasons for not being online, and how this has affected their experiences during the coronavirus pandemic.
  19. Report -

    Annual Health Checks for people with learning disabilities were being missed, or not done properly by local GP’s. This is how we helped.
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    The national COVID-19 vaccination programme is well underway in Hertfordshire, with both the Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines being given to local residents. Whether you have had the vaccine or not, we want to hear from you.
  21. Advice and Information -

    The national vaccination programme is well underway in Hertfordshire and both the Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines are being given to local people.
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    To ensure that everyone who is most at risk from COVID-19 can get protected as quickly as possible, the NHS is calling those in the first four priority groups to contact and book their vaccine, if they haven’t got an appointment yet.
  23. Advice and Information -

    To ensure you are offered the COVID-19 vaccine, it is very important that you are registered with a GP practice. Not being registered with a GP practice could delay receiving your vaccination.
  24. News -

    The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the way people access their GP practice and a report by Healthwatch England has found not everyone is pleased with these changes.
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    The CQC said it was unacceptable for any do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) decisions to be made without proper conversations with the individual, or an appropriate representative, taking into account their wishes and needs.
  26. Advice and Information -

    The COVID-19 vaccine is our best defence against the virus, alongside effective social distancing, wearing a mask and washing your hands. Getting vaccinated means protecting yourself and may also help to protect your family and friends.
  27. Report -

    Read more about our 2021 AGM, where the members approved the accounts, we took a moment of pause to reflect on the past year - and we heard from guest speaker Jim McManus, Director of Public Health for Hertfordshire.
  28. Report -

    The UK's COVID-19 vaccine rollout has been the most significant public health exercise in recent history. While the rollout has been an incredible achievement, we wanted to understand people's motivations to either receive or refuse the vaccine.
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    Our report detailing what people told us about the COVID-19 vaccines has been published and contains the views of more than 1,800 Hertfordshire residents. Find out what people told us.
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    As the success of the COVID-19 vaccination programme sets the UK on a course towards recovery, it is essential that we learn lessons from the past 18 months.
  31. Advice and Information -

    The Government are encouraging all 12–15 year olds to have their first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
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    The King’s Fund and Healthwatch England have jointly called for urgent action to address hospital waiting lists and improve patients’ experience of delays to treatment.
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    The NHS has published a plan for improving access to GP appointments for patients alongside supporting GPs and their teams.
  34. Advice and Information -

    For some people who have had Coronavirus (COVID-19), their symptoms can last for a long time after the initial infection has gone.
  35. Advice and Information -

    Losing a loved one can be very distressing and affects us all in many different ways. Some of the physical and emotional challenges can start even before the loss of life itself.

    It is important to know there is help and support available.
  36. News -

    We have just launched a new project working with local communities and NHS services to improve equality and inclusiveness within the NHS.
  37. Advice and Information -

    The Government recently announced plans to accelerate the booster vaccination programme in England.

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    It can be difficult to know who to contact and what to do if you are unwell during the festive period. Here you’ll find a list of services and when best to contact them.
  39. Advice and Information -

    The Government recently announced an easing of a number of Covid-19 restrictions with a move back to Plan A.
  40. Advice and Information -

    The vaccination programme has recently been extended to protect clinically vulnerable children aged 5 – 11.
  41. Advice and Information -

    Everyone who has COVID-19 is affected in different ways and recovers differently.
  42. Advice and Information -

    Stress from the pandemic, lockdowns and the Russia/Ukraine war has taken a toll on all of us - but there is help available.
  43. News -

    Find out how we helped local councillors shine a light on ethnic health inequalities and how services plan to improve health outcomes for ethnically diverse communities living in Hertfordshire.
  44. Advice and Information -

    Everyone aged 50 and over will be among those offered a COVID-19 booster and a flu jab this autumn under plans to increase protection against respiratory viruses ahead of winter.

  45. Advice and Information -

    Everyone aged 50 and over, people working in frontline health and social care, and people who are at high risk, will be among those offered a COVID-19 booster and a flu jab this autumn.
  46. Report -

    In our latest report, Making Local Healthcare Equal: Healthcare Concerns in Black and Asian Communities, residents shared powerful stories with us, leading to our NHS taking action in tackling ethnic health inequalities.
  47. Report -

    Concerns about flexibility of visiting times in care homes and lack of clarity about restrictions led us to explore what information was available on 135 of our Hertfordshire care home websites.
  48. Advice and Information -

    NHS England is moving forward the timetable for the autumn COVID-19 and flu vaccine rollouts.