1. Report -

    Read more about our February 2020 Board meeting in public. Our Board members reviewed and signed off our ‘Patient Experience at West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust’ report.
  2. News -

    We worked with our Learning Disability Service Watch Group to co-produce an Annual Health Check research project. The focus of the work was to investigate the uptake and quality of Annual Health Checks from the Learning Disability Community.
  3. Advice and Information -

    The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is affecting all our daily lives. Social distancing and self-isolation in particular can be difficult to cope with, and can have a significant impact on our mental health
  4. Advice and Information -

    The Integrated Musculoskeletal (MSK) services in Herts Valleys have now moved all appointments to either virtual or telephone appointments.

  5. News -

    Plans are in place to move Moorfields Eye Hospital to a new location and design a new patient friendly centre.

  6. News -

    Healthwatch Hertfordshire alongside Healthwatch Hillingdon has been supporting the Mount Vernon Cancer Centre Review led by NHS England Specialised Commissioning.
  7. News -

    Please read more to find out how you can have an impact on the way pharmaceutical services are commissioned in Hertfordshire in the future.

  8. Advice and Information -

    Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, there have been local changes to the NHS provision of non-essential outpatient appointments.
  9. Advice and Information -

    Following national guidance, there have been restrictions placed on most hospital visitation.
  10. News -

    Healthwatch Hertfordshire’s Chief Executive Geoff Brown has an important message for us all.
  11. Advice and Information -

    In line with government guidelines, the vast majority of the public in Hertfordshire are protecting themselves and others from coronavirus by staying at home.

  12. Advice and Information -

    Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the NHS is encouraging people, especially those at the highest risk of COVID-19, to talk about their preferences for end of life care.

  13. Advice and Information -

    Grief is something people experience when someone close to use dies. People react in different ways when someone dies, and there is no right or wrong way to feel.

  14. Advice and Information -

    You may have heard the word ‘shielding’ in reference to coronavirus. Shielding is the word used to describe how to protect those at highest risk of severe illness if they catch coronavirus.
  15. Advice and Information -

    The Commission on Human Medicines has now confirmed that there is no clear evidence that using ibuprofen to treat symptoms such as a high temperature can make coronavirus (COVID-19) worse.
  16. Advice and Information -

    Due to the coronavirus outbreak NHS England have made changes to the way they deliver dental care. To help prevent the spread of coronavirus routine dental care is not currently available and routine appointments will not take place.
  17. Advice and Information -

    Whilst it is extremely important to follow Government advice to stay at home during this period, it can be confusing to know what to do if your child is unwell or injured. Parents should not delay seeking help or advice.
  18. Advice and Information -

    Data has shown that the number of people going to A&E has dropped, prompting concerns that the seriously ill may be staying away because of concerns about catching coronavirus, or not wanting to place additional burden on the NHS.
  19. Advice and Information -

    We wanted to share some important information regarding the coronavirus situation.
  20. Advice and Information -

    If you are experiencing, or feel at risk of, domestic abuse or are worried about someone who might be, find out where you can go for advice and help.
  21. Advice and Information -

    From Monday, 1 June, people who are shielding are able to go out once a day for exercise but they must maintain social distancing.

  22. Advice and Information -

    From Monday 15th June in line with Government recommendations, outpatients and visitors attending hospital must wear a face covering at all times to help prevent the spread of injection and keep everyone safe.
  23. Report -

    Read about the work that we have been doing over the past year to hear the patient voice in Hertfordshire and to recommend improvements to health and social care services.
  24. News -

    Did you know that according to ONS data, there are approximately 36,000 veterans living in Hertfordshire? However, as in other parts of the country, there is relatively little data on specific health issues or priorities of the veteran community.

  25. Report -

    Read more about our AGM, where the members approve the accounts and elect the trustees new to the Board, or conduct a re-election where a member’s term has reached three years.
  26. Report -

    This policy and procedure outlines: what Enter & View is, how Healthwatch Hertfordshire plans its visits, and how Authorised Representatives should conduct the visit. It also includes information on our statutory powers to do this.
  27. Advice and Information -

    National Voices, Traverse, PPL and Healthwatch England put together some tips on how to get the most out of the virtual health and care appointments both for patients and health and care professionals.
  28. Advice and Information -

    The usual processes the NHS follows to discharge you from hospital have changed during the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s what you can expect when it’s time to leave hospital.
  29. Report -

    Read more about our August 2020 Board meeting in public. Our Board members reviewed and signed off our new Strategy for 2020 – 24 and looked at the highlights of our achievements based on information from contract monitoring returns in 2019-20.
  30. News -

    We have been working with Herts County Council to find out what people with learning disabilities, their carers and support workers think about Annual Health Checks. The response was fantastic and our report is now available.
  31. Advice and Information -

    COVID-19 poses a unique challenge for health and social care professionals when talking to someone with hearing loss. Here are some important tips to help you communicate effectively.
  32. Report -

    Our report on people's experiences of health, social care and community support during the pandemic is published today. It contains the views of more than 660 Hertfordshire residents. Find out what people told us.
  33. News -

    During the first lockdown, we celebrated the NHS and others who put their own health at risk to deliver what services they could. However, there have been challenges and concerns raised about how patients have been affected.
  34. News -

    We are working with the University of Cambridge, Public Health England and other local Healthwatch across the East of England to find out what people think about using health data to inform care, public health and research.
  35. Report -

    Are GP websites providing up to date information on COVID-19 and is there accessible and available advice for cancer patients, particularly at a time when it is likely that there would be an increase in patients accessing websites for information?
  36. Report -

    This is the second strategy for Healthwatch Hertfordshire enabling us to look back to our beginnings in 2013 and plan for our future from 2020 onwards.
  37. News -

    With the help of our volunteers we checked 103 local GP websites, and found that while most offered advice for patients about cancer, the quantity and quality of that advice was not always very good.
  38. Report -

    Read more about our November 2020 Board meeting in public. Our Board members reviewed and signed off a new Decision Making Procedure and agreed the dates of their public Board meetings taking place in 2021.
  39. News -

    Feeling Good Week is a Hertfordshire-wide event that encourages schools and the wider community to promote children and young people’s emotional wellbeing.
  40. News -

    Find out the reasons for people not being online, and how being digitally excluded has affected people’s experiences during the pandemic.
  41. News -

    Healthwatch Hertfordshire has been rallying to help people struggling to access urgent dental care services during the pandemic, ensuring they get the treatment they desperately need.
  42. News -

    ‘Lockdown’ has been named the 2020 Collins Dictionary word of the year. Others that made the top 10 list included furlough, key worker, self-isolate, social distancing and Coronavirus
  43. Advice and Information -

    To keep urgent NHS services safe and to make sure that they are available for everyone who needs them, an appointment system for urgent and emergency care is being introduced across the country from 1 December.
  44. Advice and Information -

    Our local NHS services are here to help you stay well, safely. Do not delay getting help for your health this winter.
  45. Advice and Information -

    Thanks to the new ‘Travel with Confidence’ scheme, people can feel more confident taking a taxi or minicab in Hertfordshire during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  46. Advice and Information -

    The first phase of the NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme has begun across Hertfordshire, with those in the top priority groups being offered the vaccine first.
  47. Advice and Information -

    This live webchat service, which launched in August, has helped over 1,100 people in the first two months, including service users, carers and health and care professionals.