1. Report -

    Read about Healthwatch Hertfordshire’s experience of participating in PLACE audits with 6 NHS Trusts and their recommendations to the Trusts to improve the process for patient assessors.
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    The report from our visit to the Ernest Gardiner Treatment Centre using our legal power to Enter and View.
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    Read more about our February 2016 Board meeting in public.
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    The reports from 8 care homes we visited using our legal power to Enter and View.
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    Read more about our April 2016 Board meeting in public.
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    We worked with West Herts Hospital Trust to review the quality of their final response letters to complainants. Complainants are people who have made a complaint to Trust about the care or treatment they received. Read about what we found here.
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    Read more about our June 2016 Board meeting in public.
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    Ensuring that the voices of patients and service users are heard is a fundamental activity. Find out more about what we have been doing over the past year to represent and champion patients and the public in Hertfordshire.
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    Read more about our August 2016 Board meeting in public.
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    Read more about our AGM where the members approve the accounts and elect the trustees new to the Board, or conduct a re-election where a member’s term has reached three years.
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    Read more about our October 2016 Board meeting in public.
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    In response to local feedback about complaints processes, as well as Healthwatch England's report 'Suffering in Silence', we launched our own research into how complaints handling works locally, and what could be improved.
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    Everyone should be able to access good quality NHS dental services. Take a look at our top tips to help you get the most out of your next dental appointment.
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    Read more about our December 2016 Board meeting in public.
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    The summary report from our visits to Halcyon Days Care Home, Autumn Vale Care Centre and Heath Lodge Care Home run by Gold Care Homes Ltd following our rolling programme of care home visits.
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    This policy outlines our commitment to equality of opportunity and equal treatment for all staff and volunteers in terms of employment, access to services in the health and social care sector and guidance on anti-discriminatory practice.
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    Ethnic inequalities in healthcare mean not everyone receives equal treatment from the NHS. See what people are telling us below, and whether good or bad, share your experience to help make a difference.
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    Cervical cancer screening is currently at record lows in England, yet some women with physical disabilities who want this life-saving test are finding it hard to access screening.
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    World Cancer Day, February 4, was an important chance to remind people to take action and help close the gap on health inequalities and save lives through early detection.
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    The Government recently announced an easing of a number of Covid-19 restrictions with a move back to Plan A.
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    The vaccination programme has recently been extended to protect clinically vulnerable children aged 5 – 11.
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    To mark this year's Children's Mental Health Week, we compiled resources for children, parents and carers to help you grow together, as well as links to find further support and help if you need it.
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    Read more about our first Board meeting in public for 2022. This time our Board members discussed the latest contract monitoring submission, relocation of our offices, and heard an update on the local Integrated Plan Scrutiny.
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    Everyone who has COVID-19 is affected in different ways and recovers differently.
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    Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses that anyone can develop, regardless of age, income and ethnicity. Take a look at some of the common signs of eating disorders and where to go for support if you need help.
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    A Community Assembly for the East and North Hertfordshire Health and Care Partnership has recently been formed and provides a new opportunity for patient and community voices to be heard.

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    By putting their voices at the centre of our work, we ensured children and families living in Stevenage could share their wants and needs for local health and wellbeing.
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    Stress from the pandemic, lockdowns and the Russia/Ukraine war has taken a toll on all of us - but there is help available.
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    Find out how we helped local councillors shine a light on ethnic health inequalities and how services plan to improve health outcomes for ethnically diverse communities living in Hertfordshire.
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    Knowing who to speak to about problems with your GP surgery can be complicated, especially since GP surgeries have changed how they talk to patients since the pandemic. Read on to find out what you can do.

    Updated: 23/08/2024
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    Young Carers, who look after family or friends, have said that having the right support – such as regular short breaks from caring – is one of the best ways to help them.
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    Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT) wants to hear about your experiences of low mood, sadness or depression so it can provide better support for people now, and in the future.
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    April is World Autism Month and the focus this year is increasing understanding and acceptance of people with autism, to create a world where people with autism can reach their full potential.
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    April is Testicular Cancer Awareness month. In the United Kingdom, testicular cancer is the most common cancer amongst males aged between 15 and 35.
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    Every 15 minutes somebody is diagnosed with bowel cancer in the UK - that's nearly 43,000 people each year – according to figures from Bowel Cancer UK.
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    The government requires all health and wellbeing boards to produce an assessment of pharmaceutical services in its area, at least every three years.