1. Report -

    Read about Healthwatch Hertfordshire’s experience of participating in PLACE audits with 6 NHS Trusts and their recommendations to the Trusts to improve the process for patient assessors.
  2. Report -

    Read more about our February 2017 Board meeting in public.
  3. Report -

    Read more about our May 2017 Board meeting in public.
  4. News -

    Read about some exciting developments to our volunteer programme.
  5. News -

    Healthwatch Hertfordshire values the work of its Volunteers and on 6th June we are holding a celebration event in Welwyn Garden City.
  6. Blog -

    Keith Shephard has been volunteering for Healthwatch Hertfordshire for almost five years and shares his reasons for volunteering and commitment to the charity.
  7. Report -

    Read about who we are, what we do and what we have achieved in this year’s Annual Report.
  8. News -

    To coincide with National Volunteer Week 2017 Healthwatch Hertfordshire invited their 50+ volunteers to a celebration event in Welwyn Garden City on a very wet Tuesday on 6th June.
  9. News -

    We have recently collaborated with #TeamHerts to promote our new and existing volunteering opportunities.
  10. News -

    Our first Volunteer Induction Session, following the recent launch of some exciting new volunteer roles, took place on 18th July at the Focolare Centre in Welwyn Garden City.
  11. Report -

    Read more about our September 2017 Board meeting in public.
  12. Report -

    Read more about our AGM where the members approve the accounts and elect the trustees new to the Board, or conduct a re-election where a member’s term has reached three years.
  13. News -

    On the 20th September Jane and Alice attended a really positive #TeamHerts Volunteers’ Event at Ware Priory.
  14. News -

    On Friday the 12th October Michael Downing our Chairman opened our 2017 Annual General Meeting.
  15. News -

    To improve our important Enter and View Programme we recently developed and launched accessible training for people with learning disabilities.
  16. News -

    Over the last year Healthwatch has heard from 341,000 people, carers and staff, all of whom have given their time to share their experiences of health and social care services.
  17. Report -

    Read more about our November 2017 Board meeting in public.
  18. News -

    We had our second induction session for new volunteers on Tuesday 24th October. Led by Priya, it was a half-day event, attended by a small group of interested volunteers.
  19. News -

    Our work on Mental Health remains a Healthwatch Hertfordshire priority, but following much discussion and a consultation, our Mental health Service Watch group has decided that there are more effective ways of engaging on the subject.
  20. News -

    We are delighted to announce that at the Healthwatch Annual General Meeting held on 20th November four new Trustees were appointed to our Board.
  21. News -

    Our Quality Improvement Sub-Committee (QISC) Away Day was by coincidence held on International Volunteer Day. It gave us a greater opportunity to celebrate our volunteers, and all the good work they have done for the organisation over the past year.