1. Report -

    This is the second strategy for Healthwatch Hertfordshire enabling us to look back to our beginnings in 2013 and plan for our future from 2020 onwards.
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    We engaged with the veteran community in Hertfordshire to find out their experiences of accessing healthcare.
  3. Report -

    What’s it like having a Physiotherapy assessment on the telephone and what do patients think of the physiotherapy service provided by Connect Health in West Hertfordshire? Read our report to find out what they said.
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    Read more about our May 2021 General and Board meeting in public. Our Board members re-elected a Trustee who had served their three year term of office and heard about our priorities for the year ahead.
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    Read more about our 2021 AGM, where the members approved the accounts, we took a moment of pause to reflect on the past year - and we heard from guest speaker Jim McManus, Director of Public Health for Hertfordshire.
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    Read about our efforts during the past year to ensure the patient voice was heard amid the Covid-19 pandemic and improvements made to Hertfordshire services as a result.
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    The UK's COVID-19 vaccine rollout has been the most significant public health exercise in recent history. While the rollout has been an incredible achievement, we wanted to understand people's motivations to either receive or refuse the vaccine.
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    Read more about the August 2021 Board meeting in public. This time our Board Members discussed the recruitment efforts and the figures from our recent contract monitoring return to commissioners.
  9. Report -

    During the past 18 months, patients have found it very difficult to find up-to-date information about NHS dental practices. Read our report to find out why and how patients could be better supported to find the information they need.
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    Find out how carers, support services and our local mental health Trust took action to improve support for carers when they were most vulnerable.
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    Join us for our Extraordinary General Meeting, where the company will be voting to elect and re-elect those Members of the Board of Trustees who are standing.
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    Read more about our final Board Meeting in Public for 2021; this time the Board welcomed our newly elected Trustees to their first meeting, and discussed data from our latest contract monitoring submission.
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    Read more about our first Board meeting in public for 2022. This time our Board members discussed the latest contract monitoring submission, relocation of our offices, and heard an update on the local Integrated Plan Scrutiny.
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    Children and young people with learning disabilities tested the digital health app 'Hear Me Now' to see if and how it could help them better manage their health. This is what they told us.
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    Read more about our May 2022 Board meeting in public. This time our Board members discussed upcoming changes to the health & care system, changes at Healthwatch England, and our latest contract monitoring return.
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    Read more about our AGM where we: presented on key messages from our major research project "Making Local Healthcare Equal for All", heard from a local service leader on health & care integration, and reviewed the annual accounts.
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    Read about our work during the past year to ensure the patient voice is heard as we continue to have a direct impact on the transformation and development of health and care services across Hertfordshire.
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    Thanks to new and ongoing partnerships with Black and Asian community leaders over the past year, we can share important learning on how services can work to better engage with Black and Asian communities to tackle ethnic health inequalities.
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    Read more about our August 2022 Board meeting in public. This time our Board members will be discussing the recently established Integrated Care Board and our role within the restructured health & care system.
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    Working in partnership with the University of Cambridge we explored what people think about the drive to bring together different types of health data to inform care, public health and research.
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    In our latest report, Making Local Healthcare Equal: Healthcare Concerns in Black and Asian Communities, residents shared powerful stories with us, leading to our NHS taking action in tackling ethnic health inequalities.
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    Concerns about flexibility of visiting times in care homes and lack of clarity about restrictions led us to explore what information was available on 135 of our Hertfordshire care home websites.
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    Read more about our November 2022 Board meeting in public. This time our Board members will be discussing the NHS & Social Care "Winter Pressures", some of the organisation's upcoming projects, and the latest contract monitoring return.
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    Read more about our General Meeting where Board Members stood for re-election, and our Board Meeting where we discussed updates on our latest projects and the work ahead.
  25. Report -

    This statement sets out our commitment to improving our awareness of race, ethnicity and culture and how we are addressing this in our behaviours and procedures.
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    Local NHS leaders have reiterated their commitment to supporting patients and working to improve access to services with the publication of a Healthwatch report into access to general practice services for parents of children and young people.
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    Local NHS leaders have reiterated their commitment to supporting patients and working with them to improve access to general practice services in Broxbourne with the publication of a report by Healthwatch Hertfordshire.
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    To ensure community nursing meets the needs of East of England patients into the future, we worked with NHS England and local Healthwatch to find out what people thought about the service and how it could be improved.
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    This document outlines the expected behaviours of staff, volunteers, and 3rd parties in adherence to UK data protection law. It also gives an overview of how we ensure information is shared with partner organisations in a legally compliant manner.
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    Read more about our May 2023 Board meeting in public. This time our Board members reviewed our contract monitoring return and looked back on our activity over the past year. We also had a speaker from the Ambulance Service to round off the meeting.
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    In our latest report - Cost of Living Crisis: Impact on Hertfordshire Residents - more than 7000 local people shared many difficult stories of how they were being impacted by rising costs.
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    In our Annual Report 2022/23, read how we made care fairer, tackled the big issues facing local patients and involved communities in our work to ensure the best outcomes for everyone.
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    Read more about our August 2023 Board Meeting. This time our Board Members reflected on the achievements of the past year and discussed the plans ahead.
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    Read more about our November 2023 meeting in public. This time our Board members will be discussing our latest contract monitoring submission and planning their Board meetings for the year ahead.
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    Following the tragic events at the Countess of Chester hospital, people using health services across Hertfordshire needed to know how similar incidents would be prevented, identified and dealt with.
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    A telephone mystery shop of Hertfordshire’s Adult Referral Hub has found a professional, friendly service, although some improvements are needed to make it easier to speak to the right person or service.
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    Read more about our March 2024 Board Meeting in public. This time, our Board Members discussed the latest contract monitoring return and updates on the status of our recruitment drives.
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    A local project aimed at improving detection and management of Atrial Fibrillation in ethnically diverse communities has provided valuable insights into work that can be done to prevent heart disease.
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    Read more about our Extraordinary General Meeting, where the company voted to elect new members of the Board of Trustees.
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    Log on for our next Board meeting in public. This time our Board members will be discussing our latest contract monitoring return and recent findings from our signposting service.