Thank you Volunteers

The year is now drawing to a close and it’s time to reflect on the achievements of our volunteers over the year.
graffiti wall that says the best gift if you

We wanted to take a moment to just remember each piece of work that has made us proud of our volunteers, and the positive impact it has had.

Volunteer Achievements

We have been working hard to help improve the quality of health services through Enter and View visits to dentists and hospitals. In fact, you carried out Enter and View visits to:

  • 6 dental practices in East Herts
  • 4 dental practices in Stevenage
  • 2 hospitals in East and North Herts NHS Trust

In addition to this, you carried out mystery shopping calls to Hertshelp to assess the way they refer on to Age UK Hertfordshire’s dementia support service Hertswise. All the work you did on that was absolutely amazing, and we can’t wait to share the report with you in the new year.

In terms of events and improving our reach, we have attended 15 talks and stalls across the county – with volunteers leading on the event. As a volunteer-led organisation, this is a massive step towards better and wider engagement with Hertfordshire communities.

  • We gave out 573 of our Info cards to members of the public
  • Collected 83 feedback cards
  • Took 9 signposting cases


"Thank you to our volunteers. You are the greatest help to us as an organisation. We could not continue to have the impact that we have, without the feedback we collect, through volunteering your time for our work."