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    Better access to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) will improve the lives of thousands of women in England who suffer from negative symptoms of the menopause.
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    Every woman will go through the menopause, so it is important that primary care services know how they can best support women during this time. Share your views and help the NHS improve the support it offers.
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    We celebrated World Pharmacist’s Day with the launch of our Views on Community Pharmacies Report, which showed 4 in 5 of those surveyed were satisfied with their local pharmacy and wanted them to offer even more services.
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    Hertfordshire County Council want to make sure that everyone has easy access to the tests and treatments they need to reduce Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). To help with this, we want to hear your thoughts and experiences in this survey.
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    It can be difficult to know who to contact and what to do if you are unwell or struggling at this time of year. Here you’ll find a list of services that can help and when best to contact them.
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    Have you ever taken part in NHS research – sometimes known as clinical research? Or perhaps you thought about it, but decided against it? To support the NHS in improving research, we want to find out why you may or may not choose to take part.
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    Across Hertfordshire, there are a range of services that can help with financial pressures, paying bills, providing food, family concerns, care of older people and more.
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    Hertfordshire residents say they are using less heating, eating fewer meals and becoming increasingly worried, according to early findings from our Cost of Living survey.
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    Come and tell the NHS how research could be more inclusive and find out what progress has been made so far.
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    Thanks to our audit of care home websites and a visitor survey across the County, two new guides have been published to provide clarity about visiting since the pandemic.
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    We have been helping the local NHS develop a more inclusive, accessible and effective approach to research activity. Find out what people have told us and what happens next.
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    In our Annual Report 2022/23, read how we made care fairer, tackled the big issues facing local patients and involved communities in our work to ensure the best outcomes for everyone.
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    Our latest report - Cost of Living Crisis: The Impact on Hertfordshire Residents - reveals 6500 residents who responded to our survey have felt the impact of rising costs.
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    Our report - Cost of Living Crisis: The Impact on Hertfordshire Residents - found that certain sectors of society have been disproportionately impacted by rising costs.
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    In our latest report - Cost of Living Crisis: Impact on Hertfordshire Residents - more than 7000 local people shared many difficult stories of how they were being impacted by rising costs.
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    Every year our AGM gives an opportunity to reflect and celebrate our achievements.
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    In our Annual Report 2022/23, read how we made care fairer, tackled the big issues facing local patients and involved communities in our work to ensure the best outcomes for everyone.
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    People under the age of 45, particularly men, have told us they want local health services to listen to their concerns and provide better support and care when it comes to heart health.