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    Our report on people's experiences of health, social care and community support during the pandemic is published today. It contains the views of more than 660 Hertfordshire residents. Find out what people told us.
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    Read about Healthwatch Hertfordshire’s experience of participating in PLACE audits with 5 NHS Trusts and their recommendations to the Trusts to improve the process for patient assessors.
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    Read about Healthwatch Hertfordshire’s experience of participating in PLACE audits with 6 NHS Trusts and their recommendations to the Trusts to improve the process for patient assessors.
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    Read about Healthwatch Hertfordshire’s experience of participating in PLACE audits with 6 NHS Trusts and their recommendations to the Trusts to improve the process for patient assessors.
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    In our latest report, Making Local Healthcare Equal: Healthcare Concerns in Black and Asian Communities, residents shared powerful stories with us, leading to our NHS taking action in tackling ethnic health inequalities.
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    Following the tragic events at the Countess of Chester hospital, people using health services across Hertfordshire needed to know how similar incidents would be prevented, identified and dealt with.
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    What’s it like when you need to find information and support for your loved one with dementia? Take a look at our findings.