Important Report on Dual Diagnosis published

We have just published our report on Dual Diagnosis, which originated in 2016. The primary focus being to ensure the service user and carer experience fed into the Dual Diagnosis pathway and protocol (now developed).
Person sitting in natural light

Improvements to the Dual Diagnosis Protocol

In response to the feedback collected from service users and carers of this project, which highlighted the difficulties and priorities of service users with dual diagnosis, HPFT and CGL made measurable improvements to the Dual Diagnosis Protocol, such as:

  • Jointly producing a Dual Diagnosis Protocol which outlines a clear pathway for people with dual diagnosis
  • Implementing a new call handling system to improve monitoring, triage, support for carers, and call waiting times
  • Significant work on the Triangle of Care, which outlines the involvement and support for carers
  • Consultation with service users and carers in the development of the Dual Diagnosis Protocol, developments around SPA, and the Triangle of Care
  • Demonstrable commitment and plans to reduce the number of staff vacancies, and acknowledgement of the challenges associated with a high turnover of staff. It is also clear that HPFT’s vacancy  rates are in line with the national average
  • Training all multi-disciplinary teams on dual diagnosis, and clear communication of the protocol with all staff
  • Both organisations have begun to co-locate staff to improve working relationships, handovers, and joint working

We, and partner organisations such as Viewpoint, Carers in Herts, Herts Mind Network, Mind in Mid Herts and Turning Point continue to work with HPFT and CGL to feedback experiences of how the protocol is working in practice, so if you have any feedback on these services please continue to share these with us.

Dual Diagnosis: Raising concerns and issues related to mental health and substance misuse

You can download and read the full report of our findings here.

Dual Diagnosis Report