1. News -

    If you are an adult with a learning disability, we want to hear from you.
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    Local NHS leaders have reiterated their commitment to supporting patients and working to improve access to services with the publication of a Healthwatch report into access to general practice services for parents of children and young people.
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    Many parents and carers have faced serious problems trying to make GP appointments for their child, sometimes waiting more than an hour to speak to a receptionist, only to be told there are no appointments available.
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    Local NHS leaders have reiterated their commitment to supporting patients and working with them to improve access to general practice services in Broxbourne with the publication of a report by Healthwatch Hertfordshire.
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    Better access to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) will improve the lives of thousands of women in England who suffer from negative symptoms of the menopause.
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    A survey asking Broxbourne residents to tell us about local GP access has shown that 64% of respondents found it ‘difficult’ or ‘very difficult’ to get through to a receptionist by phone – with many waiting up to an hour.
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    Every woman will go through the menopause, so it is important that primary care services know how they can best support women during this time. Share your views and help the NHS improve the support it offers.
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    We want to make sure that autistic people are supported in their access and experience of GP services. If you’re autistic, we’d love to hear your thoughts about what your GP practice is doing well and where it could improve to better meet your needs.
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    Access to GPs and dentists, along with issues relating to hospitals and mental health care, are the top concerns you've been sharing with us over the past six months through our Signposting service.
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    Thanks to our audit of care home websites and a visitor survey across the County, two new guides have been published to provide clarity about visiting since the pandemic.
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    In our Annual Report 2022/23, read how we made care fairer, tackled the big issues facing local patients and involved communities in our work to ensure the best outcomes for everyone.
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    Diagnoses of Type 2 Diabetes are growing at an alarming rate, so supporting people to reduce or manage their risk is essential. Whether you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes or not, we want to hear from you.
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    If you’ve been invited to a Cervical Screening, did you attend or was there something preventing you? If you’ve been before, what was your experience like? Please share your thoughts in our survey.
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    In our Annual Report 2022/23, read how we made care fairer, tackled the big issues facing local patients and involved communities in our work to ensure the best outcomes for everyone.
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    We celebrated World Pharmacist’s Day with the launch of our Views on Community Pharmacies Report, which showed 4 in 5 of those surveyed were satisfied with their local pharmacy and wanted them to offer even more services.
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    GP practices are a crucial contact point for carers - and the people they care for - yet our recent research showed some local carers often felt alone, unsupported and had to put their own needs aside.
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    People under the age of 45, particularly men, have told us they want local health services to listen to their concerns and provide better support and care when it comes to heart health.
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    The Hertfordshire and West Essex Shared Care Record connects GP practices, hospitals, hospices, out-of-hours/community/mental health services and adult social care information for health professionals.
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    Autism Health Checks are being piloted in Hertfordshire and our latest research shows strong support to extend the programme County-wide, improving healthcare for those who may find it challenging to access GPs.
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    Many people think we only help with issues relating to health, but if you have concerns about Social Care services and need assistance or advice, we are here for you.
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    We listened to what people with learning disabilities told us about how doctors’ surgeries helped them stay healthy and well and came up with some ideas to make things better in Hertfordshire.
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    Women have told us they would like GPs to be better trained so they are more empathetic, listen to what women are saying and not dismiss their concerns when they ask for help with the menopause or perimenopause.
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    It can be difficult to know who to contact and what to do if you are unwell or struggling at this time of year. Here you’ll find a list of services that can help and when best to contact them.