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    Communities with the greatest health challenges across the region are set to benefit from government funding awarded to run applied research projects, which can transform the lives of millions of people managing health issues.
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    Yesterday, our Chair Steve and our Chief Executive Geoff met with Paul Burstow, the new chair of the Hertfordshire and West Essex Sustainability Transformation Partnership (STP) and former Minister of State for Care Services.

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    Geoff Brown and Priya Vaithilingam recently attended the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care East of England Celebration and Planning Event.
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    Last week, Our Chair Steve Palmer, our Chief Executive Geoff Brown, and one of our Trustees, Roger Beeching, all met with Mark Prisk MP for Hertford and Stortford.
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    Who can believe it’s that time of year again? Volunteers’ Week 1st-7th June was last week, which meant it was time for us to hold our annual Volunteer Celebration Event.
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    The year is now drawing to a close and it’s time to reflect on the achievements of our volunteers over the year.
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    People’s real life experiences of the NHS and Social Care are set out by Sir Robert Francis, Chair of Healthwatch England in a new report to Parliament.
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    New ways of working and a new team structure in the office brings new opportunities for our volunteers and a training programme to support them.
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    The news has tended to be dominated by non-health issues over the past few weeks. Here at Healthwatch we have however been keeping our eyes on the health and social care world and there is a lot happening.
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    This September, Healthwatch Hertfordshire’s senior executive team have been taking stock of our services, priorities, ways of working and where we can make most impact.
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    The Government is investing an extra £20bn a year in the NHS as part of the NHS Long Term Plan. Now you can help your local NHS invest in the right support by sharing your ideas with us.
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    This year we are happy to announce that once again we were shortlisted for one of the prestigious Healthwatch England Network Awards.
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    Several members of our team recently attended the Healthwatch East of England Regional Conference. The event provided an opportunity to network and chat with team members from other Healthwatch in the region.
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    It’s that time of year again: National Volunteers Week. Organisations across the UK will be taking this opportunity to thank the many volunteers that make such great contributions to their work.
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    A range of health services recently published their Annual Quality Accounts and these were scrutinised by the Health Scrutiny Committee on Thursday 15th March.
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    Healthwatch Hertfordshire recently attended a Volunteer Fair in Royston organised by #TeamHerts a countywide Hertfordshire service providing information for individuals who want to volunteer and charities that want to recruit.
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    Our Quality Improvement Sub-Committee (QISC) Away Day was by coincidence held on International Volunteer Day. It gave us a greater opportunity to celebrate our volunteers, and all the good work they have done for the organisation over the past year.
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    We are delighted to announce that at the Healthwatch Annual General Meeting held on 20th November four new Trustees were appointed to our Board.
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    We had our second induction session for new volunteers on Tuesday 24th October. Led by Priya, it was a half-day event, attended by a small group of interested volunteers.
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    Over the last year Healthwatch has heard from 341,000 people, carers and staff, all of whom have given their time to share their experiences of health and social care services.
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    On the 20th September Jane and Alice attended a really positive #TeamHerts Volunteers’ Event at Ware Priory.
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    To improve our important Enter and View Programme we recently developed and launched accessible training for people with learning disabilities.
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    On Friday the 12th October Michael Downing our Chairman opened our 2017 Annual General Meeting.
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    We have recently collaborated with #TeamHerts to promote our new and existing volunteering opportunities.
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    Our first Volunteer Induction Session, following the recent launch of some exciting new volunteer roles, took place on 18th July at the Focolare Centre in Welwyn Garden City.
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    Read about some exciting developments to our volunteer programme.
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    To coincide with National Volunteer Week 2017 Healthwatch Hertfordshire invited their 50+ volunteers to a celebration event in Welwyn Garden City on a very wet Tuesday on 6th June.
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    Healthwatch Hertfordshire values the work of its Volunteers and on 6th June we are holding a celebration event in Welwyn Garden City.
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    ‘Lockdown’ has been named the 2020 Collins Dictionary word of the year. Others that made the top 10 list included furlough, key worker, self-isolate, social distancing and Coronavirus
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    Every year our AGM is an opportunity to reflect and celebrate our achievements over the past year.
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    On 26 October 2021, an Extraordinary General Meeting was held to elect Trustees to serve on the Healthwatch Hertfordshire Board.
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    A Community Assembly for the East and North Hertfordshire Health and Care Partnership has recently been formed and provides a new opportunity for patient and community voices to be heard.

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    Every year our AGM gives an opportunity to reflect and celebrate our achievements.
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    Announcing our next AGM, where we will be launching our major research report on the Cost of Living Crisis, and hearing a keynote speech from Professor Wendy Wills on ‘Health and care research in the county and across the region’.
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    In our Annual Report 2022/23, read how we made care fairer, tackled the big issues facing local patients and involved communities in our work to ensure the best outcomes for everyone.
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    Every year our AGM gives an opportunity to reflect and celebrate our achievements.
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    An Extraordinary General Meeting was held earlier this month to elect Trustees to serve on the Healthwatch Hertfordshire Board. During the meeting, which was held on 2nd May 2024, five new candidates were elected.